A doula is a childbirth support person. Doulas support the mother emotionally and physically during labor. A doula should not be confused with a midwife or thought to be a replacement for a doctor. Midwives and doctors provide medical care, whereas doulas provide support.
A doula will suggest position changes during labor to help manage discomfort, to help the baby's position, and to help you find the best birthing position for delivery.
A doula will encourage you during your labor and stay with you after delivery to make sure you get settled in.
A doula will suggest alternate, non-medical comfort measures, such as massage and hot/cold therapies.
A doula will explain medical procedures to you so that you can make the best decisions for you and your baby.
A doula will be there to answer questions you have during your pregnancy, labor, and first few days as a new parent.
Clearly, doulas do a lot of things and provide much needed support to parents.